Monday, May 17, 2010

Trashy Magazine Drums

I've been hearing about the Drums for awhile, mainly in music rags like Filter and Britain's Q Magazine, but I didn't really start listening until I came upon references to them in both GQ and People. I only buy trashy magazines when I have to fly somewhere, and on a very recent trip I read many, and after the Drums popped up more than a couple times, I figured I should check them out (even though trashy magazines shouldn't make one do that).

The sound is very much in the vein of 80s British new wave, so much so that I figured that's where they were from; but no, they are from various parts of the US but officially formed in Florida. So they are definitely very successful in a sound and a look that is far removed from their roots. Eat your heart out Morrissey!

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