Thursday, June 24, 2010

THURSDAY Morning Arithmetic Lesson!!

Our pal Hugh is probably already in the great city of Des Moines, and I'm just grabbing my first cup of coffee.  His hectic schedule means I'm filling in.  This is good news for music lovers, because today I'm posting the greatest indie rock song ever.

If you're wondering how I know this I can take you through the math.  First, I admit I haven't heard all the indie rock songs in the world. But its a well known fact that a lot of them suck, so we can safely discount 1/2. Based on my listening hours plus concerts, minus 1/2 of the total (for suckiness), adjusting for the secondary listening factor (when you hear something in a friends car on accident), divided by the rock 'n roll coefficient... and of course, don't forget to carry the zero.

So today I leave you with an older, but perfect indie rock song:  "Carry the Zero" by Built to Spill, off their 1999 album Keep It Like a Secret.

(FYI - their singer, Doug Martsch, sounds like a young boy.  But he looks like Harry from Harry and the Hendersons... or at least I always thought so.  Maybe its that indie-rock beard they both wear. You can be the judge.)

Built to Spill - Carry The Zero by UltraMonkey


  1. you do realize it's thursday, right?

  2. they both start with 'T'
    but no, i didn't even realize it.. its been a looooonnnnng week already
