Friday, June 11, 2010

Meat May Be Murder


This song got stuck in my head last night, so I proceeded to annoy my friends by singing it over and over in a Morrissey-like voice. Like most people who were too young too get into the Smiths when they were together, I really got into them in college. There was some earlier exposure through a camp counselor named Brett who had all these mix-tapes full of Brit-pop, specifically mopey, emotionally taxing Brit-pop, and he'd be playing them all the time, but I just wasn't ready to feel Morrissey's pain when I was 10 years old, and I certainly didn't understand it.

I don't know if I understand it now, but one thing is for sure: I love to 80s dance all over the place with the Smiths, and that's what I plan on doing today.

Happy Friday from the great Moz!

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