Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Worst Rap Song/Video Ever.

I'm hopping on Hugh's bandwagon and posting something seriously funny today, although it wasn't meant to be funny, which in turn makes it that much more hilarious. "It's so cold in the D, how the f**k do we sposed to keep peace?" Classic.

I ate a grape and I...

Jizzed in my pants:

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

You can find it at the market!

Livin rooms, bedrooms, dinettes, OH YEAH! You can find them. At the market. We talkin bout flea market. Montgomery, flea market. It's just like a mini, mall. Oh yeah!

Let's turn it to a dance!

I Was Born a Unicorn!

The Unicorns split up more than a few years ago, but the one album they did put out was fantastic. Most of the band is now in Islands, another act worth checking out, but I'm unsure what happened to the other guy.

This song captures some back and forth from the two leads that may actually have some truth to it and explain a little about why they broke up. Although they also claim that "We're never gonna stop" they never made it to album #2.

Hope you like the song! The lyrics, subject matter and pink outfits do make it a little funnier than yesterday, right?

Monday, June 28, 2010


You probably remember Jason Schwartzman as the kid from Rushmore, or the drummer from Phantom Planet, or maybe you saw I heart Huckabees, or even Marie Antoinette. The fact is that you know who this guy is. In the last few years, he has returned to music as Coconut Records, a project that sees Schwartzman playing most of the instruments and doing all of the singing. He's not the best singer, but he does know how to write catchy pop songs.

Hugh is doing comedy all week, but today I can only do a six degrees of separation from one of the funniest movies ever, Rushmore. I will attempt to get progressively funnier as the week goes on.

Anyhoot, here is Coconut Records with "Microphone".

Comedy Week! KOL Shreds

So I'm going to try something new -- a week full of comedy. What does that mean? I don't exactly know, but I hope my song choices make you laugh.

First up - Kings of Leon shreds. There is a youtube phenomenon that I was late to join -- these shred videos. Basically, the creator takes a regular performance and then completely destroys it... but in the meantime, it looks like it could be real. It took me a couple of minutes to determine whether or not this performance really took place.

"Sex on Fire", KOL:

Friday, June 25, 2010

Heeeeyyy Yoooouuuuu Guuuuyyyyyys!!

GOONIES!! Cyndi Lauper!! Need I say more? Happy Retro Friday!!

I remember

Time really flies. Can you believe it's been exactly 1 full year since MJ left us?

I still need to see "this is it"...

I love this song/video mainly because of the guest appearances. Eddie Murphy? Magic Johnson? Really???? so awesome.

"Remember the Time" by the king of pop:

Thursday, June 24, 2010

THURSDAY Morning Arithmetic Lesson!!

Our pal Hugh is probably already in the great city of Des Moines, and I'm just grabbing my first cup of coffee.  His hectic schedule means I'm filling in.  This is good news for music lovers, because today I'm posting the greatest indie rock song ever.

If you're wondering how I know this I can take you through the math.  First, I admit I haven't heard all the indie rock songs in the world. But its a well known fact that a lot of them suck, so we can safely discount 1/2. Based on my listening hours plus concerts, minus 1/2 of the total (for suckiness), adjusting for the secondary listening factor (when you hear something in a friends car on accident), divided by the rock 'n roll coefficient... and of course, don't forget to carry the zero.

So today I leave you with an older, but perfect indie rock song:  "Carry the Zero" by Built to Spill, off their 1999 album Keep It Like a Secret.

(FYI - their singer, Doug Martsch, sounds like a young boy.  But he looks like Harry from Harry and the Hendersons... or at least I always thought so.  Maybe its that indie-rock beard they both wear. You can be the judge.)

Built to Spill - Carry The Zero by UltraMonkey

Under the Covers 3

"You do it to yourself, you do. That's what really hurts."

A few years ago, Mark Ronson put out an album called Version, where he reworked a batch of songs by various artists and put his own spin on them. The result is pretty amazing, I mean, anyone who can mix The Smiths and The Supremes to form one great pop song is talented. The "version" I chose is a Radiohead song, "Just", with Alex Greenwald of Phantom Planet on vocals. The original is fantastic, but this version definitely puts a different spin on it, especially with the horns and jazzy guitar riff. Let's just say that Ronson makes Radiohead fun.

I'm posting this video version because it is a great video, but the sound quality isn't so great. There is a link below the video if you want to listen to a better audio version, but I figured you'd get the idea either way.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A little bit of feel good

Go USA!!

Laughing with a Mouth of Blood

St. Vincent (aka Annie Clark) plays a strange sort of music. It isn't the most accessible, but it's that challenge that makes her music worthwhile and exciting for me. "Laughing with a Mouth of Blood" is off her second album, Actor, and is rather "normal" compared to some of her other work. The video is fun and features Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein, but if you're not into fun videos, forward to 1:51 to start the music.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sweet Dodo

She and M. Ward

Good morning everyone!

I have to catch a flight, so no time for too much chit chat. "In the Sun" is off of Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward's She and Him Vol. 2. It's fun, summery, and thankfully an actress who is actually a pretty good musician.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Sorry Hamilton!

I go to a lot of shows. Often times, there is a band I really like listening to - but then I check them out live and it isn't the same. However, sometimes I go to shows and the band completely blows my expectations out of the water. And then there are just a couple of bands who continually do that every time I see them. The Walkmen is definitely in that group. I've seen them about 6 times now and they never disappoint.

One of the most recent times seeing them was at Schubas, along with Vicky Vinegar, my buddy Kris, and his wife Michelle. Kris, having recently moved to Chicago, had never been to Schubas before, and was especially excited because the Walkmen was his all-time favorite band. The White Rabbits played a great opening set and then Kris went off to use the bathroom. We pointed him off towards the restrooms, but somehow he took a wrong turn and went up the back stairs. He came back and had a look of shock on his face... apparently he walked into a room where the Walkmen were just hanging out. He turned the corner and was face to face with Hamilton Leithauser, the lead singer, completely froze and all he could say was, "sorry Hamilton." He's forever bummed out that he could not think of something cool to say.

Anyways, my song today is "Four Provinces" by the Walkmen:

Another Huge Band of Musicians Cometh!

I hope everyone had a nice weekend! I've been following all the World Cup action, and it's all very exciting; but I'm not going to try and tie a song in with it because when I did that last week, it did nothing to help my team out; in fact, maybe it's my fault they lost. Ah, self-centeredness...

Instead, I'd like to showcase a band of roving tree huggers who, thankfully, don't seem quite as religious as the Polyphonic Spree with their white robes and long Jesus hair. But, they aren't quite as good or handsome as Sufjan Stevens and his large group of musicians who toured for Illinoise. But they are, indeed, a ridiculously large number of musicians in one band, all singing and clapping and swinging their dreads around. It's not my favorite schtick, the whole "let's have a band with 25 people in it!", but this song is just plain good.

Here is Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros with "40 Day Dream"

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Boy's a time bomb

There are certain songs that when I hear them I'm instantly tele-ported back to high school. Back in HS I was in a ska/punk band, went to Vans warped tour, and bought exclusively ska and punk CDs (and some occasional gangster rap like Master P). Rancid, is a punk band that has been around forever and seems to keep getting better.

Black coat, white shoes, Black hat, Cadillac, the Boy's a 'Time Bomb'...

Fridays are Just Like Heaven

Wow, I've been waiting all week to post this song. I decided on Monday that this was the week I was gonna bust out The Cure, so I'm bustin' it!! "Just Like Heaven" is a great example of a perfect song. Yes, this is what perfection sounds like.

Happy Friday everybody!!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Be Excellent to Each Other

I love TV on the Radio, and their latest effort, Dear Science, is a danceable, noisy, organized mess of an album. "Golden Age" is one of the catchiest and grooviest on the record and now that the weather has cleared up, I feel I can share happy music with you again.

The first half of the video seemed very Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure to me, and since I watched that movie very recently, it made it seem as though I made the right choice. Now I just wonder if I can find a good Wyld Stallyns song...

(Again, if you don't see video, press play and it will pop up)


The Eels - which is the brain work of singer/songwriter Mark Everett - released a concept album a year ago, 'Hombre Lobo'. Hombre Lobo is Spanish for Werewolf and the concept of the album is songs about desire. I'm a big fan of Everett's raspy voice and the funky grooves of his band.

This song, "Fresh Blood", was the first single of Hombre Lobo:

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sad DP

Sorry for the delay posting today - I feel a little bit like my life is turning into George Clooney's from "Up in the Air". I'm getting on my 6th flight over the last 3 weeks and I've spent 5 of the last 8 days sleeping in a hotel.

In honor of this, I'm posting the song "Help Yourself" by Sad Brad Smith (who before the movie was a completely undiscovered singer/songwriter from Chicago). I'm thinking of starting a Rival Band "Sad DP". I think Sad Brad Smith is really trying hard to be the next Elliot Smith:

!Viva EspaƱa!

Most people know that I am obsessed with Spain, and they are playing right now against Switzerland in the World Cup. Yay!! There were many Spanish groups I wanted to post for today's song, but in an effort to not alientate listeners who don't speak Spanish, I chose a group from Spain that sings in English. The group is called Sunday Drivers and they do pop music really well. They even got the opening slot playing for Wilco when they came to Madrid. I hope you guys like it, but expect more traditional Spanish euro-pop trash if La Furia Roja continues to advance through the World Cup. Ole!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Come on and feel the Illinoise!!

Sufjan Stevens started an ambitious project of creating an album for all 50 states -- it's been a few years and thus far he's only gotten through Michigan and Illinois. Sounds a little bit how my blogging career has gone...

However, the concept was pretty cool and he put a lot time and effort into researching history of both states. This song, "Come on! Feel the Illinoise!" is off his 'Illinois' album that he released in 2005. According to Wikipedia, there are rumors that the next state will be either Oregon or Rhode Island.

I really like the use of multiple instruments, rhythms and sections of the song.. not to mention the song is about my current home City/State!

Seriously Weather. Seriously?

Well, I'm officially over the overcast, rainy, foggy Chicago weather. I had a dream about moving to Los Angeles...perhaps I'll make that come true.

My song of the day is by Bowerbirds, an act I was lucky enough to just catch the end of at last summer's Pitchfork. They have beautiful harmonies, haunting melodies and just an overall authentic sound, if that makes sense. "Teeth" is a slow-burner, but it's well worth your time to listen. Their album, Upper Air, is a great morning album; something to listen to while drinking coffee on your back porch overlooking green fields and meadows that head out to the ocean...oh wait, I live in Chicago, but that's the feeling I can muster while listening to Bowerbirds. Enjoy!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Monsters of Monday

First of all, a special thanks to Liam McPoyle for posting in my place last week. I definitely think he deserves to be invited back. On a side note, send us an email if you are ever interested in posting!

My song today is by the supergroup Monsters of Folk - consisting of Jim James from My Morning Jacket, Conor Oberst and Mike Mogis from Bright Eyes and M. Ward. "Dear God (Sincerely MOF)" is the first track off their album and it is my favorite. It's a great song to ease into the doldrums of another Monday morning.

Dear God, please make this week go fast!

Chopsticks from Japan

Happy Monday everyone!!

I'd like to thank our guest contributer from last week, Liam McPoyle, for filling in and doing such a great job! I'll be looking for someone to take over my spot for a few days next week, so please let me know if you're up for it!

I'm already warning you that this week will probably be a little slower for me songwise, and by that I mean I'll probably be posting some slower songs because I feel I've been neglecting some of them.

Today's song is called "Airplanes" by Local Natives. These guys will be playing at Pitchfork this summer as well as at Lincoln Hall, and I have the pleasure to see them at both venues. Yahoo! Great harmonies and percussion are hard for me to pass up, and when the lyrics talk about teaching abroad, it just softens my heart immediately. If you like the song, I recommend checking out the rest of their stuff as well because it's all really, really good and quite addicting.

(If the video doesn't show up, just press play and it should pop up!)

Friday, June 11, 2010

the summertimes in bloom

It's been a great week.  We got the cup.  BP may have slowed the flow.  The world cup is starting up (USA vs. England tomorrow!) and maybe best of all, its just hours from 5pm, Friday. 

I'm told that "retro" is anything pre-'96, which makes me feel sorta old. But given the ruling on the field, I'm picking "Don't Look Back in Anger" by Oasis.  It's a sort of shout-out to Hugh Honey, founding partner of this blog and a good friend.  Last fall I was spending some time in Europe for work and was lucky enough to have Hugh come visit for a while.  One night in Amsterdam we were hanging out at the GreenDragon, having coffee, and this song came on.  It was a spontaneous sing-along!!!  Every single person in the place went completely nuts.  People who didn't speak English were singing this song (in English!).
Thanks to Hugh and Vicky for the guest spot this week.  Have a good weekend everyone!

Meat May Be Murder


This song got stuck in my head last night, so I proceeded to annoy my friends by singing it over and over in a Morrissey-like voice. Like most people who were too young too get into the Smiths when they were together, I really got into them in college. There was some earlier exposure through a camp counselor named Brett who had all these mix-tapes full of Brit-pop, specifically mopey, emotionally taxing Brit-pop, and he'd be playing them all the time, but I just wasn't ready to feel Morrissey's pain when I was 10 years old, and I certainly didn't understand it.

I don't know if I understand it now, but one thing is for sure: I love to 80s dance all over the place with the Smiths, and that's what I plan on doing today.

Happy Friday from the great Moz!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

it IS a celebration!!!

Chicago WINS!!!!  between that, and Ms. Vinegar wrapping up another quarter, I figured I should keep the party-vibe going.  So I'm taking a gamble with a shiny new duo, Sleigh Bells.  Their debut album "Treats" dropped about 1month ago and already I'm embarrassed by the number of times I've listened to it.  I'm sure they're going to be one of those groups people either love or hate.  But, let's review the facts:

synth hits?  check.
bass drops?  check.
sexy female vocals?  check.
distorted, metal guitars?  check.
what's not to like?

For those of you in the "i love it" camp, they'll be playing on Sunday, July 17th at this years Pitchfork Festival at Union Park.

It's a Celebration, Bitches!!

Oh my goodness, I am so excited to be done with this quarter. Well, I'm not exactly finished yet but will be in a few hours, so I'm actually excited for how excited I'll be later.

One band that came to my mind right away to help me celebrate was The Sounds. Swedish, 80s inspired, female-sung cock rock never sounded so good to me. I wish they were playing in Chicago tonight, that would make this a perfect day...well, minus the final exam I have to take and paper I have to finish. "Seven Days a Week" is off their first album, Living in America. I had the album for quite awhile before actually getting into it: what it took was seeing them live. Basically, they kick serious ass live!! In fact, as some of you know, I got a really nasty bruise attempting to crowd surf at their last show. They are the ultimate pump-up band, and there isn't a better lead singer out there than Maja nor a better band to help me celebrate!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What's a Mobius?

A few years ago I went to visit my good friend in Seattle and we went to see a Cut Copy show. I had never heard of the two openers, Black Kids and Mobius Band. Black Kids were then at the height of their hype and the crowd went crazy for them, then when their album debuted, critics and bloggers alike panned the crap out of it, essentially dooming them forever, so I haven't heard anything from them in a few years. I had never heard of Mobius Band either, but the difference is that there was never any hype; in fact, it's pretty difficult to find any info on them at all. Even at this concert, they ignored their duties at the merch booth so much that I eventually had to just steal their display CD they had scotch-taped to the table. I've only met one other person who has ever heard of them, but he was working at a record fair, so I'm not sure that counts.

The point is that these guys make great music, wherever they are. I once touted them as my new French Kicks, but in the end that didn't work because they never came through town so I couldn't go stalk them. "Friends Like These" is a great mid-tempo synthy-bass, feel-good tune: I just wish they hadn't fallen off the face of the earth so we could hear more songs like it.

i could go for a margarita right now....

I work with a lot of off-shore staff in India, which means conference calls at 5am, 11pm, 2am... its great!  The point is, I've been up since 5:30am, so I don't consider my craving a margarita right now a sign of alcoholism.  Since I can't have that drink, I thought I'd pick some music to help satisfy the craving.

I'm going to make a bold, but entirely accurate statement.  The Bronx is the best punk band today.  I'm not sure how people feel about raging, hardcore punk at 8am on a Wednesday.  But that's OK, because these guys are a surprisingly versatile band.  Their alter ego, Mariachi el Bronx softens it up with the sweet sounds of Mehico.  

Not sure how you feel about mariachi at 8am on a Wednesday?  Listen on my friends.  And, if you're really into it, you can visit their website and purchase their trademark cologne, "Bario Sweat."  That is not a joke.  

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Welcome to Tuesday...

Tuesday is hands-down my least favorite day.  On Monday, I'm resigned to the fact that its Monday.  By Wednesday, you're 1/2 way.  But Tuesday?  Woe is me.  That crappy, sappy 90's  band Thursday definitely picked the wrong day of the week.

In spite of it being a rainy Tuesday, I'm hoping this song is a good pick-me-up for everyone.  A week or so ago I saw this young star on Letterman.  I don't normally expect great things from unknown artists on the Late Show, but I thought she was pretty awesome.  (skip to the 30sec mark)

Little Babies

Good Morning,

I'm off to take an exam so no time to explain why I posted this song. It's awesome?

Okay, exam is finished. Yes, that's right, I picked this song because it's awesome. I guess I don't have too much more to add. Sleater-Kinney was a band of 3 very talented ladies from the great Northwest, and they sort of came out of the Riot Grrrl movement, but not exactly. They broke up, I want to say, in 2006 (?) after the release of the very impressive swan song album, "The Woods". "Little Babies" is not off of said album, but it's one of my favorites. I would also like to note that Carrie Brownstein (Guitar, Vocals) now runs a blog on NPR and contributes to All Songs Considered, and all of that is very entertaining and informational.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Mystery Guest #1

I want to start out by sending a huge shout-out to Song of the Day founders, Hugh and Vicky! I've been a huge fan since the beginning and I'm honored to be the first guest blogger.

Today's song is a little number from Frank Turner. He used to front some awful hardcore band that I couldn't listen to. But he's gone solo, softened up and sings instead of screams. This is the title track from his latest (3rd) album "Poetry of the Deed." He'll be on a side stage this year at Lollapalooza so catch him if your'e there. I'll be there, in the very front, screaming like a 13yr old girl at a Bieber show.

Office Drones

What seems like a lifetime ago, I fell in love with a band called OFFICE. They were a local Chicago band who were doing a residency at Schuba's and I saw 3 of those 4 shows. I then continued to see them any time they came back to town. I just couldn't get enough. They broke up a couple years ago, but their songs are so infectious and classic that they continue to be one of my favorites. "Oh My" is possibly my favorite song off their albums Q&A and A Night At The Ritz, even though this video is really bizzare...

Sidenote: She & Him at Millenium Park tonight. Free show!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

RIP Lisa Left Eye

This goes out to you, girl, even though your crazy a** tried to burn down Andre Rison's house.

Faux Retro Friday

Anyone who watches How I Met Your Mother should enjoy this throwback to the 80s, even though it was the 90s in Canada...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

U-S-A! U-S-A!

I'm getting pretty stoked for the World Cup in South Africa- only 8 days away! Speaking of Africa, I'm heading to a free concert tonight at Millenium Park where an afrobeat band called "Antibalas" will be performing. Now, I am not all that familiar with them, but I have yet to find any afrobeat I don't like.

Here's a little sample of Antibalas with the song, "Go Je Je":

Modern Lounge Acts

When I was living in Spain, someone gave me this CD by the Grand National, and it's all I listened to for nearly a month straight. It was perfect to listen to both on the way to teach at 7am when it was still dark and I had to avoid drunkards on my way to the Metro, and at parties that lasted until 7am where I was the drunkard that people were probably trying to avoid. Perfect!

This is the opening track off of their album "Kicking the National Habit", and its mellow loungy vibe still gets me every time, at any time.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

This Isn't Your Typical Kids Music

Today's pick is a risk, I'll admit that. This is a group called The Ready, but they don't really exist. It is a band formed by a bunch of girls who went to a rock n roll summer camp, where I assume they got together and wrote rock songs. I wish I could have gone to something like this growing up. The song/video is from a DVD series called Burn to Shine. For this volume, Chris Funk (Decemberists) handpicked a bunch of Portland bands to play a live song in a house that is condemned to be destroyed. You get to watch all the bands play, then get to watch the fire department come in and burn down the house. It's a pretty fun series...Other cities include D.C., Chicago, and Seattle.

So, here is The Ready with "For All You Know". I'm telling you. Pretty impressive for a bunch of 11 yr. olds.

Don't let them get you down...

I love all of these Stroke's side projects. They all have a certain element of the Strokes, yet have a different flavor. Nickel Eye features Nikolai Fraiture, the bass player. I'm interested to hear what the new Strokes album will sound like this summer after the couple year hiatus by all members. In the meantime, here is "Brandy of the Damned" by Nickel Eye:

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Short Week - and I have a treat for you!!

The best part of a long weekend is the short week that goes along with it!

I was able to track down the brand new single from the Arcade Fire, "the suburbs". Their new album comes out in early August, just in time for their headlining gig of Lollapalooza - where I'll definitely be in attendance. Their shows are full of energy and life, do not pass up a chance to see them if you can.

There is no video to go along with this song, but here is the link to the MP3:


Under the Covers Vol. 2

I hope that everyone had a fantastic long weekend. I know I did. I was lucky enough to go to a wedding where the bride and groom danced their first dance to a modern classic by Neutral Milk Hotel. How cool is that? Congrats Brian and totally rock!

"In the Aeroplane Over the Sea" is the second and final album by Neutral Milk Hotel, a band that was helmed by Jeff Mangum, and was one of the most successful records the MERGE label had ever put out. Jeff got tired of the fame that went along with success, even on the small scale (he's not cut out to be J.Lo), and soon faded out of the spotlight, along with his band. The legacy lives on though, so much so that my fave band of the moment, Fanfarlo, put up this beautiful cover of the title song off of that classic album. When two things this beautiful collide, I can't help but feel pure happiness, that goes for the song and the artist, as well as the bride and groom.