Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Rococo in the Suburbs

"Rococo" is probably my favorite song off of Arcade Fire's new album, The Suburbs. I just love singing along to the "Ro-co-co ro-co-co ro-co-co ro-co-co ro-co-co RO-CO-CO!" A bit long-winded and I don't know exactly what they're talking about. Types of houses? I like the steady beat that feels like it's building up to something, but then doesn't really. The song truly reflects the feeling of living in the suburbs.

Monday, August 30, 2010

New Walkmen

Perfect for a Monday morning (and really any other time). I think the Walkmen continue to evolve as I enjoy each new album even more than the last.

Here is a track off their new record, which by the way you can stream in full over on NPR's website: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=129177585


Formidable Joy

Hello and welcome to a new week. I don't remember where I heard about The Joy Formidable, or heard their song "Whirring". All I know is that it was in my youtube favorites and decided to post it. It has a 90s alt rock feel to it, and may be a little too heavy for a Monday morning, but I'm throwing caution to the wind.

Friday, August 27, 2010

I Need You Around...For Now.

I was never into the Smoking Popes when they were at the height of their semi-obscure popularity, except for "I Need You Around" because it was on the Clueless soundtrack. I started listening to them a lot more in college, at the same time I was getting into Morrissey, and one should definitely be able to recognize the similarity between the two. The major difference is that The Smoking Popes rock a lot harder, and that's just a-okay with me. Happy Friday!

I think i'll have myself a beer

As I've mentioned on here, I was in a ska/punk band back in high school. I used to skank it out at the warped tour, ska against racisim, and many a reel big fish show. Speaking of Reel Big Fish, they are somehow still trucking along - that's some amazing staying power for a ska band (mighty mighty bosstones are still around too!).

Because it's retro Friday and we are all thirsty for some adult beverages, here is "Beer" by reel big fish:

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Swedish People Write Good English Songs

The Tallest Man on Earth is actually a Swede named Kristian Matsson. Some say he's a modern day Bob Dylan, and he definitely does sound like him, but his lyrics aren't as politically and socially driven. In "King of Spain" Matsson makes a clear reference to Dylan by citing his "Spanish boots of leather", but the song still manages to sound fresh in a genre (folk) that is difficult to keep modern.

Patty Lee

Sorry for being MIA yesterday - long day trip to good ol' Des Moines, Iowa for work.

But today I'm back in the saddle. I saw Les Savy Fav at Pitchfork Fest a few years ago. I had heard legendary stories about the lead singer, Tim Harrington, and his crazy antics at live performances. He didn't disappoint, spending half the show stage diving and dancing in the crowd.

Here is "Patty Lee" by Les Savy Fav:

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ah, To Be Young and in Love

"Young Love" by Mystery Jets is possibly my new favorite song. I put it on this mix that I've been listening to constantly over the past couple of weeks, and I always get the most excited when this gem pops up. It features brit-pop darling Laura Marling, who I believe broke the young heart of the singer for Noah and the Whale, so I guess young love doesn't always last. Sob sob, but it sure is sweet.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Nice Jeans

I heard/read about White Denim awhile back and I only heard/read good things about this band, but I didn't actually make the effort to listen to any of their music until a couple of weeks ago. "Let's Talk About It" is the only song that really stuck out to me. Maybe you'll like it too.

Hipster Dance Party

Every now and again hipsters just wanna let loose. However, they can't just dance to anything - they need a new, hip electro-poppy song that is not by a "popular" artist. My song today falls somewhere in there. Kele, the lead singer from Bloc Party, just released his debut solo album. It's much much different than the hard-driven rock of Bloc Party. It sounds much more like something that would be played in some unmarked underground club. Here is "Tenderoni" by Kele:

Monday, August 23, 2010

You're Easy On the Eyes

Eugene McGuinness is another Brit I've discovered recently. "Fonz" is an upbeat tune that will hopefully get your week started right. I finished a paper this morning that I'm about to go turn in, so heavens knows my week has started off with a bang, mostly because my two-week summer vacation starts...NOW!!

Monday, Bloody Monday

Today was one of those days where I woke up in what I thought was the middle of the night - only I looked over at my clock and noticed it was 5 minutes before my alarm was set to go off. Bleh.

James Mercer, aka 'The Shins' has been busy with Dangermouse and their side-project Broken Bells. However, he recently recorded a cover track of "Goodbye Girl" (originally by 80s pop band Squeeze) as the Shins as part of this Levi's Pioneer Sessions.

Song isn't up on youtube - so click the link and scroll down, you'll find it:


Friday, August 20, 2010

Wet Hot American Summer

So, one of the best movies of all time, Wet Hot American Summer, has been running on tv all week. "Jane" by Jefferson Starship is the background to possibly the best opening sequence of a movie ever. Well, a summer camp movie anyway...

Happy Friday everyone! Have a great weekend and rock the F out!!

You're the best!

Our highly anticipated kickball league starts tonight. We decided to have at-bat music this year, so each person on the team got to pick a song that will pump em up when walking to the plate. My choice was made famous by a montage in Karate Kid, "You're the Best", by Joe Esposito.

Wax on Wax off Daniel-son!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Going With The Voice

I'm going nice and mainstream today with Florence + The Machine with "Dog Days are Over". It's a slow builder, but once it gets going, it makes me feel inspired to do something. Like get dressed and go buy milk or something. 2 pros to this artist; she's British and she's got a killer voice.

This is not Toto

But the song name IS "Africa." Here is a little collaboration by Amadou and Miriam featuring K'naan (who I sometimes feel like is Mos Def in disguise).

An interesting side note I just learned on wikpedia:

Amadou & Mariam are a musical duo from Mali, composed of the couple Amadou Bagayoko (guitar and vocals) (born in Bamako 24 October 1954) and Mariam Doumbia (vocals) (born in Bamako 15 April 1958). The pair, known as "the blind couple from Mali" met at Mali's Institute for the Young Blind, and found they shared an interest in music. Amadou lost his vision at the age of 16 while Mariam became blind at age 5 as a consequence of untreated measles.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ra Ra Riot meets Passion Pit

Here is a little Ra Ra Riot, "Ghost Under Rocks" remixed by Passion Pit. The new Ra Ra Riot is streaming over on NPR, I'm just checking it out now. I've still yet to make it to a Passion Pit show, but I'm always down for a hipster dance party:

If I Had Grown Up British...

I've recently gotten into this British TV show called Skins. It's about a group of teens in Bristol who are dealing with growing up, school, families and relationships. So, like Dawson's Creek...except that in British teen dramas the kids are doing loads of pills, smoking spliffs at every turn, bringing bottles of vodka to school, getting into trouble with gangsters and drug dealers, cheating with each others' boyfriends/girlfriends, staying out all night without their parents caring, and best of all, swearing like they grew up with Quentin Tarantino. Needless to say, it's a rather entertaining show. More realistic(?), but if kids in Britain are really like that, American parents have nothing to worry about.

Anyways, another highlight to the show is the music. I've discovered a slew of bands because of it. This is The Ettes with "Take it with You" (they're from L.A. not U.K.)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dear God 2.0

I posted "Dear God" by the Monsters of Folk a few weeks back. The hard-working Roots crew have recently managed to release a new album despite their full-time gig as the Jimmy Fallon house band. Here is a track off the new album that features the Monsters of Folk 'Dear God' song - "Dear God 2.0":

Aren't They Called Crocodile Tears?

Tegan and Sara are Canadian twins that write sometimes cute, sometimes complicated pop songs, but in both cases, the songs are catchy and good. "Alligator" is off their latest album, Sainthood. It's one of those albums that, once you start listening to it, it's all you listen to for a week; well, that's if you like it of course.

I think the video is particularly funny because of the absurd dancing. You will have to click twice to watch the video via youtube, or you can simply listen below...my bad.

Alligator by sfkoenig17

Monday, August 16, 2010

Hide your kids! Hide your wife!

It's amazing what you can make with autotune these days.

The Only Song

Wow, I really couldn't wake up today. Lazy summer indeed. I've had this song, "The Only One" by Manchester Orchestra, in my head for the last day or so, and so I'm posting it because don't they say that in order to get it out of your head, you should listen to it again? That's probably not right, but I'm obviously being very slow today, in more ways than one. Go Monday!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Blister in the Sun

Happy Retro Friday!! As Made in Milwaukee week ends, I'm showcasing the Violent Femmes, a Milwaukee band whose continued success relies heavily on a few songs, "Blister in the Sun" included. But they were the first concert I went to without my parents, at a fest I don't think exists anymore called Maritime Days, and I successfully crowd surfed! Hugh and I also went to school with the drummer's kids and were in rival bands, although now his son is the drummer for Langhorne Slim, so I guess we lose, huh?

Have a great weekend everyone!!

C'mon Sloop John B

I just recently found out that "Sloop John B" was originally a traditional West Indies folk song, "The John B. Sails". It remains one of my favorite Beach Boys songs. And yes, it is a true fact that John Stamos, aka Uncle Jesse, was in the Beach Boys at one point in time.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sticks and Stones

Maritime, another Milwaukee band gaining national success. Here is "Guns of Navarone".

Night & Day

I heard this song on XPN and at first I thought it was new Walkmen. But nope, alas, it was the band Chief with the song "Night & Day". Apparently, this song is on their album, 'Modern Rituals', being released early next week, which is getting some pretty solid early reviews:

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Slackin Off

My post is pretty late today, in honor of "slacking" off here is a song by the sweet ska beats of 'The Slackers'. I also noticed they are coming to town in a couple of months to the Bottom Lounge. Maybe we can skank out our differences there!

Here's "Have the Time":

I Grew Up in a Small Town

So, here is a band called The Midwest Beat. I don't know too much about 'em, except, of course, that they are from Milwaukee. Yes, the Made in Milwaukee week is still happening. Upon finding this video for "Color Radio", I knew it was a catchy song but the vocals just don't quite make it into the mix, but the little that you can hear is good. I was about to say forget it and post a different song when at timestamp 1:56 I saw a familiar face. Someone I went to high school with. I had to re-watch that segment about 15 times but I'm pretty damn sure that Drew Delmenhorst is in this video. Yup, Milwaukee is a small town.

We also get a peek into one of the cool bars in Bayview, which is like the Wicker Park of Milwaukee, but minus all the douchebags and way more blue-collar. And the PBR is actually cheap!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Pinback - Fortress

This song is a few years old, but yet I still can't get sick of it. It's off of Pinback's 'Summer in Abaddon' - an album I've probably listened to over 500 times. Rumor is they have a new album that is coming out soon. Here is "Fortress":

It's a Drag

Continuing the Made in Milwaukee series that is this week comes a band called The Goodnight Loving. They've just released their 4th album, but this song, "Drag", comes off their 2008 self-titled record. They are labled as garage rock, but I see them more as psych-alt-country, whatever that means...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Made in Milwaukee

As Hugh has stated before, Milwaukee is finally getting some recognition in the music world. There have certainly been bands before from Mke that made it, but not necessarily as many as of late and not as "indie". This week, I want to highlight some of those local Milwaukee bands that are getting national attention and can really rock!

The first band to kick off my Made in Milwaukee week is Jaill, who has their latest album, That's How We Burn, coming out on SubPop Records. This song is called "Everyone's Hip". Even in Milwaukee? Listen and find out.

Case of the Mundays

So I didn't end up making it to Lollapalooza on Sunday, even after my full week pep-talk on this blog last week. I didn't get back into town until late and had no luck tracking down a discounted ticket. But, I hope everyone who went had a great time!

Coming back to work after being out a couple of days is never fun. Not to mention the gloomy weather and the fact that it's on Monday. Here is a song that kind of summarizes my mood at the moment -- it has a Doors 'Riders on the Storm' vibe to it. Here is "The Ghost Who Walks" by Karen Elson:

Friday, August 6, 2010

Retro? Friday

I debated whether or not to post a song for retro Friday from Paul Simon's Graceland because it doesn't necessarily feel very retro. The album is timeless and hasn't dated at all since its release in 1986. Two hundred years from now, people wouldn't be able to place when this album came out (apart from, perhaps, that wicked bass solo on "You Can Call Me Al").

This song is called "That Was Your Mother" and it recalls Louisiana zydeco music, just one of the many influences that shaped the album. When I listen to this song, I imagine myself at a sidewalk cafe in New Orleans, with a random street band belting this out, and then people just get up and start dancing and swinging each other around. Then I finish my beignet and pralines, take 2 shots of bourbon and join the dancing crowd yelling, "Hells yeah! It's summer y'all!"

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Arcade's on Fire

New Arcade Fire = awesome. Sunday night will not disappoint.

Here is "Modern Man" off the new album:

Also, you can stream the full album over on NPR: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=128878239

High Violet

I was lucky enough to see The National last night, and as always, they put on a fantastic show. I wish they would have played more off of their 3rd album, Alligator, but their new album, High Violet, is so good that I didn't really mind too much. This song is called "Anyone's Ghost" and was their opener last night. They make me feel good all over.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Let's Go Outside

It was raining all morning but now it's sunny, so let's go outside, shall we.

Trapped by Blizten

Blizten Trapper plays Sunday afternoon and I couldn't think of a better time for this alt-country/folk-rock group to play. I saw them play at Pitchfork and it was very enjoyable. Here is "Black River Killer":

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Dispatch Do-Over

Remember that band Dispatch that you would hear blaring from speakers in every college dorm room in the early naughts? Well, they broke up, but one of the guys went on to form a band called State Radio, and it sure sounds a heckuva lot like Dispatch. But that's okay. I liked Dispatch. I haven't listened to them in over 6 years, but it's always a nice reminder of college and the depressing fact that they never made it as big as OAR. Barf. So here is State Radio with "Keepsake". If you watch Weeds, you should also recognize this song from season 3 when SPOILER: she burns down the house.

Japanese Metal?? Japanese Metal!!

This week I will continue to profile bands I'm excited to see on Sunday. X Japan is a band I recently heard about and knew I had to figure out a way to see. They are known for selling out arenas all over Asia in the late 80s and 90s and are the most influential Japanese metal band ever. They disbanded in 1997 but have recently gotten back together to melt our faces once again. I don't think I can write anything else to explain how amazing this will be, just watch this live video performance of "Kurenai":

AND a bonus song of the day!!! Silent Jealousy:

Monday, August 2, 2010

No Contest

Well, I have to admit that I saw Hugh's post and already knew there was no way I could pick a better song than "Ambling Amp" because that's probably my favorite song of the year so far. But I can at least try to introduce an interesting band.

They are called Small Black, they are from Brooklyn, and they really know how to rock old school casios. This song is called "Pleasant Experience".

Lolla Lolla Lolla Lolla Lolla

Gotta love Lollapalooza! $210 tickets! $10 beers! $6 bottles of water! 1 mile hikes in between stages!! YES!!!

I miss the early days of the revived Chicago Lollapalooza. Like most good things, it has gotten too large & corporate for its own good. But, there are still a ton of good bands coming and it should definitely be a good time (if you can afford the $200+ tickets).

I'm going to be out of town Fri/Sat, but I'm planning on making it back for the action packed Sunday. Arcade Fire will be worth admission by themselves, but luckily there are a bunch of other interesting acts that day. This week I'll concentrate here on those bands playing Sunday.

I missed Yeasayer when they played the Metro a few months ago, but I heard from multiple people that it was LOUD and AWESOME. I hope I give the same review after I see them this weekend -- here is "Ambling Alp":