Tuesday, July 27, 2010

3 Days Sober Begging for a Drink

Many of you probably know David Bazan as the singer/songwriter for Pedro the Lion, but in the last few years he has gone off on his own and been fairly successful. Except that my friend's brother said he went to see him live and nearly fell asleep it was so boring. Well, I wasn't at that show, so I guess it didn't have an effect on how much I like this guy. Bazan is also known as the Christian indie rocker, but after getting kicked out of a Christian music festival for being too wasted, he had words with God and then made a record about it called Curse Your Branches. His voice and style may not be up everyone's alley, but it's definitely worth a listen. This song is called "Please Baby, Please". (I could only find this live version, but it lives up to the recording)

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