Friday, July 23, 2010

Y'all Be Safe Now, Ya Hear!

I actually thought this song was something different, or maybe the beginning is just different, but now I can't think of the song I actually wanted to post, so this is what you get for Retro Friday!! I was watching some old Max Headroom Coke commercials and got into a very 80s mood this morning. I wouldn't exactly think to make this video into a renaissance film, but that's what happened, so I hope you enjoy the absurdity of the video as well. I know nothing about Men Without Hats, only that they sing "The Safety Dance", which I think is that thing where you box your arms around your head like when doing the Robot. At least I think I saw the guy doing that...Happy Friday everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I thought for sure this was a montage from Willow. Nope, just 1 awesome music video!
