One of my all time favorites here, and Thom is doing a tremendous acoustic version. His royal hotness Johnny Depp and French popette Charlotte Gainsbourg add to the drama in this sweet little video. Happy retro Friday!!
Vicky Vinegar and Hugh Honey each post a Song of the Day and you vote which is your favorite choice. Voting is on the left side of the page and the two songs will be at the top. Happy voting!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Retro Friday - Birth of Rock n Roll
I always knew who Chuck Berry was and was familiar with a few of his songs (specifically Johnny B Goode from Back to the Future). However, I took a Rock n Roll history class in college that covered everything up until the british invasion. A full week was spent on Chuck Berry and I gained a full appreciation of his greatness and the path he set for everyone playing rock music today. I could listen to Mr. Berry any day of the week, here is one of my favs, "No Particular Place to Go":
Thursday, July 29, 2010
The Hangover
I stayed out way too late last night, and in turn, have a killer hangover that I have to endure because I have a Spanish paper to finish. Anyway, I figured this song was appropriate...
"Try Watching this on Acid"
That's one of the comments on youtube - hilarious. Tame Imapala is bringing psychedelic rock back with heavy influences of Cream, Zeppelin, and Wu Tang. Here is "Half Full Glass of Wine":
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Carrots are good for your vision
Flashing back to the 90s on this one, although this is a band I never listened to until recently. Just more proof of the 90s being one hell of a music decade.
Neutral Milk Hotel - The King of Carrot (flowers), Part 1:
Neutral Milk Hotel - The King of Carrot (flowers), Part 1:
The Scottish Are Coming!
Frightened Rabbit is a band from Scotland. Or maybe I should say that Frightened Rabbit is a Scottish band, because they do sound Scottish. I'm getting the sense that Glasgow is perhaps the new Brooklyn, where a lot of new indie bands are forming and writing good music. Scotland already has a good musical history because of bands like Belle and Sebastian, Franz Ferdinand, and my favorite, Camera Obscura. Now along with Frightened Rabbit, there are bands like We Were Promised Jetpacks and The Fratellis, among others that I can't think of now. I guess what I'm getting at is that Scotland seems like a pretty cool place, especially because it produces such kickass bands. Here's "I Feel Better".
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
3 Days Sober Begging for a Drink
Many of you probably know David Bazan as the singer/songwriter for Pedro the Lion, but in the last few years he has gone off on his own and been fairly successful. Except that my friend's brother said he went to see him live and nearly fell asleep it was so boring. Well, I wasn't at that show, so I guess it didn't have an effect on how much I like this guy. Bazan is also known as the Christian indie rocker, but after getting kicked out of a Christian music festival for being too wasted, he had words with God and then made a record about it called Curse Your Branches. His voice and style may not be up everyone's alley, but it's definitely worth a listen. This song is called "Please Baby, Please". (I could only find this live version, but it lives up to the recording)
We got Spirit, how bout you?
I gave Delta Spirit album "History from Below" a listen on my way to work. Now, I've kind of listened to it before and I'm familiar with a couple of Delta Spirit songs, but I never gave them a full chance. The song "911" kicks off the album and I think it's a great track.
I had trouble finding it on youtube, but I did finally find someone who uploaded it (even though they uploaded it with a picture of Dr Dog.. ah well!):
I had trouble finding it on youtube, but I did finally find someone who uploaded it (even though they uploaded it with a picture of Dr Dog.. ah well!):
Monday, July 26, 2010
Come Back Baby
Good morning! Metric is definitely one of my favorite bands. Emily Haines has an amazing voice but seems completely cracked out onstage, but that's okay, as long as it sounds good. "Combat Baby" is off their second album, Old World Underground, Where Are You Now, which is arguably my favorite record of theirs, although Live It Out and Fantasies, their two latest records, boast a number of great tunes as well. I was surprised to see how few hits their earlier songs have on youtube, but perhaps that's only natural. In the comments section I read that this song will be on Rock Band 3, so now I'm even more excited for that game! Bring it!
Good Morning (Benders)!
Bleh - another Monday. This song will give you some positive vibes to get your week started off on the right foot. I chose a song from the Morning Benders awhile back - here is another track off of their 'Big Echo' album, "All day day light":
Friday, July 23, 2010
I love BLUR
Sometimes there are bands that are HUGE over in Europe but just never quite catch on stateside (Muse, Travis, Blur,etc...). People over here seem to think that Blur is a 1-hit wonder with Song #2 (Starship Troopers - YES!!!). But, Blur really has several hits and there is a ton of good stuff everyone is missing.
Damon Albarn from Blur is probably more well known in the states for his side-project, the Gorillaz. Hopefully he can get some more love for his old Blur stuff - here is "Chemical World" by Blur. Unfortunately I can't embed their music vid for this song:
Damon Albarn from Blur is probably more well known in the states for his side-project, the Gorillaz. Hopefully he can get some more love for his old Blur stuff - here is "Chemical World" by Blur. Unfortunately I can't embed their music vid for this song:
Y'all Be Safe Now, Ya Hear!
I actually thought this song was something different, or maybe the beginning is just different, but now I can't think of the song I actually wanted to post, so this is what you get for Retro Friday!! I was watching some old Max Headroom Coke commercials and got into a very 80s mood this morning. I wouldn't exactly think to make this video into a renaissance film, but that's what happened, so I hope you enjoy the absurdity of the video as well. I know nothing about Men Without Hats, only that they sing "The Safety Dance", which I think is that thing where you box your arms around your head like when doing the Robot. At least I think I saw the guy doing that...Happy Friday everyone!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
They Are Not Scientists!
My friend and I went to see We Are Scientists at Bottom Lounge last night. The show was pretty good, but lacked energy, not from onstage but from the crowd. Kids just don't know how to make a good show these days. Plus, this band tries waaaay too hard to be cool, which in turn makes them not so... I haven't heard their latest album and I wasn't a huge fan of their last album, so I'm going to post a song of their first album, which I hold dearly to my heart.
Wake up! It's a Beautiful Morning!
I wish it was. Instead it's overcast and looks like it's gonna start pouring any minute. This NY duo, "The Drums" has the right idea though - let's go surfing!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
I've Got a Case of the Shambles
Sorry this post is so late. My life is still sort of in shambles since the move and everything. Plus my internet is still pretty slow and spotty. I'll be surprised if this makes it up. Anywhoot, enjoy this Pete Doherty non-Libertines song with Babyshambles.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
It's On Bitches!
Broken Social Scene was another band I enjoyed catching at Pitchfork. I first got into this band back in 2003 because their first record, You Forgot It In People, really blew me away. I still like their music, but nothing they've done since has affected me in such a strong way. "Texaco Bitches" is off their new record and is an enjoyable little jaunt. Can you count the number of people onstage?
We must go back to the future, marty!!
How is today only Tuesday? Ughh.
I really dig this tune and the video is pretty sweet as well. Vicky probably knows more about these guys than I do - they are Spanish. I really like the band name and wish I owned a Delorean so I could do some time traveling. I'd travel into the future through the rest of this week.
I really dig this tune and the video is pretty sweet as well. Vicky probably knows more about these guys than I do - they are Spanish. I really like the band name and wish I owned a Delorean so I could do some time traveling. I'd travel into the future through the rest of this week.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Sonny Sure Sounds Sunny
Sonny and the Sunsets were possibly my favorite band that I saw at Pitchfork over the weekend. I had only heard one song when I went to see them, but their show made me want to go out and buy anything they've ever recorded. Based out of San Francisco, these guys (and lady) really know how to convey a sunny, 50s garage pop sound while still keeping it all fresh and new.
Friday, July 16, 2010
OK, OK.. It's not OK!
I'm the worst guest ever... yesterday I needed a reminder to post. Today I visited the site to vote, saw there was only 1 song up and then realized that it was ME who screwed up..... AGAIN.
Ok, so its retro Friday. And since I'm 5hrs late with my post, I had the luxury of seeing Hugh's post already. So, I thought I'd pick a similar contender. I'm going with the wonderful one-hit-wonders of 1996, Spacehog and their little number "In the Meantime." For all my fellow living-room rockers, this song will be in RockBand 3 and GuitarHero 5.
Happy Friday!!
Ok, so its retro Friday. And since I'm 5hrs late with my post, I had the luxury of seeing Hugh's post already. So, I thought I'd pick a similar contender. I'm going with the wonderful one-hit-wonders of 1996, Spacehog and their little number "In the Meantime." For all my fellow living-room rockers, this song will be in RockBand 3 and GuitarHero 5.
Happy Friday!!
Decide to walk with me
This song rocks. 90s alt-rock might go down as the best genre of my lifetime. It's hard to think anything will ever top it:
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Ticket Madness
Thanks to Vicky for giving me the honor of filling in.
As Hugh mentioned, Pitchfork Music Festival is this weekend. I sort of hate Pitchfork, and sort of love them. They're great for uncovering excellent new music. They're also great at shitting on bands you love, writing obnoxious reviews and being arrogant asses. Yet, I just waited in line with 952 uber-hipsters for a previously sold-out Sunday ticket.
This is Surfer Blood, with a sort of old-weezer meets beach boys sounding song called "Swim." They'll be playing Sunday, along with Big-Boi and a bunch of other good stuff. There is an official video for this song, but you would have to watch some commercial first.
As Hugh mentioned, Pitchfork Music Festival is this weekend. I sort of hate Pitchfork, and sort of love them. They're great for uncovering excellent new music. They're also great at shitting on bands you love, writing obnoxious reviews and being arrogant asses. Yet, I just waited in line with 952 uber-hipsters for a previously sold-out Sunday ticket.
This is Surfer Blood, with a sort of old-weezer meets beach boys sounding song called "Swim." They'll be playing Sunday, along with Big-Boi and a bunch of other good stuff. There is an official video for this song, but you would have to watch some commercial first.
Big Boi
Hope everyone's getting excited for Pitchfork this weekend. I'll be there Sunday -- I think Sunday has a killer lineup and one show I'm particularly pumped for is Big Boi. If you are a fan of Outkast you must get your hands on his new album ASAP.
Here is "Shutterbugg":
Here is "Shutterbugg":
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
American Slang
I have Hugh to thank for getting me into The Gaslight Anthem. They are definitely reminiscent of Springsteen, but I always hear a little Replacements in there as well. Either way, they rock it out and make me feel like I should be driving a Chevy convertible somewhere along a dirty beach after a night at the pier carnival. Or maybe on my way to score Aerosmith tickets... Can't beat that, can you?
When you Say Wisconsin..
I have a soft spot in my heart from anything Wisconsin - people, sports teams, food, beer, etc. You name it, I'll probably give it more of a chance if it's from Wisconsin.
Bon Iver is a little different - I actually really liked them before I ever knew that Justin Vernon (the brain singer-songwriter behind Bon Iver) was from Wisconsin! At this point, they were obviously bumped up a notch higher.
Anyways, this is one of my favorite songs off of their original 2008 release album "For Emma, Forever Ago" -- 'Skinny Love':
Bon Iver is a little different - I actually really liked them before I ever knew that Justin Vernon (the brain singer-songwriter behind Bon Iver) was from Wisconsin! At this point, they were obviously bumped up a notch higher.
Anyways, this is one of my favorite songs off of their original 2008 release album "For Emma, Forever Ago" -- 'Skinny Love':
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Solid Ground
I came across Maps & Atlases when I saw them open for Frightened Rabbit at The Pabst in Milwaukee. I'd never heard of them before, but they certainly caught my attention. They have strange arrangements and their singer has a singularly unique voice. It took me a bit to get into it, but once I did I was hooked. It's music that keeps you guessing and is full of surprises. "Solid Ground" is probably one of their most accessible songs, but I recommend checking out their other material.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Summer Vacation
Since I'm technically on summer vacation, I thought this song was appropriate. Beach Fossils is a band from Brooklyn, the bourgeoning hotbed of indie bands. I haven't listened to them too much, but came across this song and liked it for its simplicity and laid-back attitude...everything a summer song should have.
Bottled in Cork
Wishing it was still the weekend -- but -- it's not. BUT, this song will make you give you the same warm fuzzys the weekend hopefully provided. I've always been a Ted Leo fan but I've never gotten super into them. This song is off their latest album and I totally dig it:
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Some Saturday Fun!
Just thought I'd share this sweet little set from Phoenix for NPR's Tiny Desk Concerts. Happy Weekend!!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Aw, Don't Get Mad; This is What Love Is.
Blogger hasn't been working for me all week, and I'm kinda pissed about it. Either that or nobody's voting, but I don't believe that... This week has obviously been a battle of the "who knows cooler bands?", but I'm going to end that right now by throwing in the towel and posting something not so obscure. You win Sammy, please don't side-tackle me and beat me up again; it wasn't fun the first time...
Since I'm going to be working pretty much every saturday for the next 4 months, friday has gone from the best day ever to just another day of the week. So you'll all have to excuse me if I'm not in the mood for your wonderful little retro friday tradition. Instead, french band Phoenix made one of my favorite albums of the last 5years, "Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix", so for my swan song I wanted to play one of their earlier tunes you may not have heard. HOWEVER, none of their videos allowed embedding, so instead I bring you this band from Scotland with a very retarded name, Dananananakroyd. I must say I am a sucker for singers with funny accents.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
It's Not Quite Rap...
...but it could be. Eddie Argos of Art Brut doesn't really sing, but rather talks over the music. His stories are generally very amusing, yet often true as well. This is a great band live or on record...but they are especially fun live. See photo of me and Eddie hanging after a show:
Art Brut is just a really fun band that can make you laugh and roll your eyes all in one swoop.

Black Thursday
They may have gotten soft in recent years, but the Black Keys still make all other bands look a like a bunch of whiny little bitches. Did anyone see the Rolling Stone interview where they made fun of a bunch of other crappier bands? These guys are my heroes. And while I still think their earlier, more raw sound was cooler, I have to give them credit for evolving and always changing their sound. Plus I'm secretly into poppier music. This is a song off their newer album "brothers":
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Keep the Good Feelings
As much as I wanted to, I didn't post a Spanish song because not doing so worked last week. Maybe tomorrow. ¡Vamos EspaƱa!
This song is all fuzzy feelings and good times and always puts me in a great mood. If you don't listen to Camera Obscura, you are missing out. Their latest, My Maudlin Career, continues to build upon their library of sweet and blissed out indie pop tunes. Off of that album is their first single "French Navy":
This song is all fuzzy feelings and good times and always puts me in a great mood. If you don't listen to Camera Obscura, you are missing out. Their latest, My Maudlin Career, continues to build upon their library of sweet and blissed out indie pop tunes. Off of that album is their first single "French Navy":
Put a little money into travelling
As you are all no doubt aware, the Netherlands is awesome. Canals, Van Gogh, windmills, "coffee shops"-- this country has it all. So in honor of their big win yesterday:
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Mad About You
I hope everyone had a nice 4th of July weekend!! Everyone give Sammy Sugar a warm welcome!!
My old student in Spain posted this video a few weeks ago on her facebook page, and I'd never heard of Wave Pictures. They're from England, and they're pretty good; unfortunately, that's all I know so far. This student introduced me to some fantastic music, and still, to this day, gave me the best mix cd I've ever receieved. Certainly way better than one I ever made. So Kiti, if you read the blog today, this is for you! But I certainly hope everyone else enjoys it as well:)
My old student in Spain posted this video a few weeks ago on her facebook page, and I'd never heard of Wave Pictures. They're from England, and they're pretty good; unfortunately, that's all I know so far. This student introduced me to some fantastic music, and still, to this day, gave me the best mix cd I've ever receieved. Certainly way better than one I ever made. So Kiti, if you read the blog today, this is for you! But I certainly hope everyone else enjoys it as well:)
No running
This is Sammy Sugar holding down the guest spot this week, thanks Mr. Honey. Hope everyone had a great 4th of July. Since my hard drive, with all my musics on it, broke a few months ago, I've been in a musical depression. So I have to think back to all the good stuff I was hearing back then, and this is one song/video that stood out. The Mae Shi is notable only for the inevitable remix of Christian Bale's epic freakout, but this video is pretty sweet, especially since the whole thing seems like it was done in one long, continuous take.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Gibberish gibberish gibberish gibberish gibberish...
I hope everyone has a very happy 4th of July weekend. Go America!
I hope everyone has a very happy 4th of July weekend. Go America!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Come Back Dave Chappelle!!
I didn't realize that Comedy Central was still running episodes of Chappelle Show, but thank goodness it is, because it is still the funniest show that ever was. Yesterday, I caught the episode with this amazing skit featuring Dave as R. Kelly. And it just never gets old...
Usually I wouldn't promote a song that opens its music video with a burning cross, but the amazingness of this song allows me to tolerate it. I didn't make it to the pride parade on Sunday, but I assume this was probably the anthem:
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