Friday, May 14, 2010

80s Band Breakup!!

So I just read this morning that Norwegian pop group a-ha is breaking up, so my choice for Retro Song of the Day had to be changed to accomodate this devastating(?) news. I also read that they played in Chicago last night and I was completely unaware, and so completely missed it. Not that I know any other song besides "Take On Me", but still...I would have liked to see, what I think to be, the quintissential 80s song played live by the band who made it a hit. Oh well.

I'll just have to continue to enjoy the kick-ass video.
Happy Friday and enjoy the beautiful weather!


  1. i think this is a better version:

    video isn't quite as cool though...

  2. Ah, gotta love Reel Big Fish...I sort of forgot about them.
