Thursday, October 14, 2010

go on take yo mama's car home!

Aphex Twin: aka AFX, aka PowerPill, aka Richard d. James - is a musical weirdo. he has a strange approach to music, mixing genres and every manner of electronic blips, bleeps and bloops. he was huge in the late 90's for stretching the concept of electronic music. some elitist nerds dubbed his stuff "intelligent dance music." intelligent? i'm not sure. dance music? maybe this song, but i'd love to watch someone try to dance to the rest of his music.

Anyways.... the guy makes some weird stuff. this is probably the easiest on the ears of his entire catalog. i like the song, a lot. but i LOVE the video. Chris Cunningham directs it. He's got some other amazing ones i recommend watching (for bjork, squarepusher, etc.). but for now, i leave you with the hilarious and creepy Windowlicker by AphexTwin.

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